Which ability in Keeper of the Lost Cities do you have?

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Hi! I love Keeper of the Lost Cities and I hope you do too! I made this because I want to make my own quizzes, and take credit on them. My friends and I are making a website, and I didn't want to put other people's quizzes on it. That inspired me!

In this quiz, you will figure out which Keeper of the Lost Cities ability you have. You can either be a Conjurer, a Flasher, a Hydrokinetic, a Mesmer, a Psionipath, a Pyrokinetic, a Shade, a Technopath (personally my fav.), a Telepath, or a Vanisher. Have Fun!

Created by: Fitz
  1. Do you tinker around with toys?
  2. Do you like fire?
  3. Do you like the dark?
  4. What do you think about water?
  5. Conjurer?
  6. What about Flasher?
  7. What do you think about making force fields?
  8. Would you want to read minds?
  9. Would you like the ability of vanishing?
  10. What would you say about controlling other people with your mind?

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Quiz topic: Which ability in Keeper of the Lost Cities do I have?
