Which Keeper of the Lost Cities character are you?

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This quiz is about which Keeper of the Lost Cities character you are, so better be honest! Also, remember you should have fun and be honest at the same time!

You have to note that you pick what you actually want or like and other kinds of stuff. You seriously have to pick what you actually like and other stuff because then you wont get a good answer. Good Luck!

Created by: Abby
  1. Which person/animal do you like better in Keeper of the Lost Cities?
  2. Which food would you want to have?
  3. Who would you want as your mom and dad?
  4. Who would you rather live with?
  5. Who would you want to punch in Keeper of the Lost Cities?
  6. If you had to have a bodyguard who would it be?
  7. What would you rather get as a sister/brother?
  8. Who would you want to be?
  9. What ability would you want?
  10. If you were a wayward what hemisphere would you want to go in?

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Quiz topic: Which Keeper of the Lost Cities character am I?
