What is your super power? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your super power?

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  • I got Telekineses. I always hide my true self from others,and I can change myself completely. That is a very acurate quiz. Si. Accurate.

  • Your Result: Invisibility
    YES! just what i wanted

    You have the ability to go invisible at will. You like to keep to yourself. The friends you have aren't exactly friends, more like "acquaintences." It may not be that you don't trust them, just that you don't want to get involved in their lives while there is so much going on in your own. Some days, you care about people, if there's an accident, you'll try to help. Other days, you might not feel like it, or even want to notice anything happened. Your greatest weakness is your lack of company. Sometimes, it's ok to have someone close-by. We all need friends to help us get through hard times.

  • gmcrulz, you're stupid. i got plasma blasts

  • What is your super power?
    Your Result: Time Control

    You can control time with your mind. Although this power is very dangerous, you are very responsible, and know when it's wrong to use them. You are a born leader, strong, and very honorable. You care about a lot of people, and a lot of people look up to you. Controlling time is a very important job, and only the wise and understanding can obtain it. Use it poorly, and existence as we know it would collapse. One of your greatest weaknesses may be your good will. Hard to believe, yes, but too much of anything can be a bad thing. Remember to ration your good choices. Sometimes, the ends justifies the means.

    Result Breakdown:
    76% Time Control
    58% Telekenesis
    45% Gadgets
    41% Electrokenesis
    27% Invisibility
    19% Pyrokenesis
    19% Plasma Blasts
    8% Hydrokenesis
    woooo oooo yah I gots time control

    • I have the same power as you
      Time control is dangerous I know

      Eevee has
  • I think this quiz is real for people who REALLY have powers.. i got the thing where u cn move things without touching them..and i do, one time i was looking at the tissue box and i thought of flying while concentrating on it, it was already up in the air, i didn't notice til' i thought of Sonny With A Chance..then i noticed, i thought that it was just one time, but i did it a lot of times...I even scared my friend once, she still thought that the girls bathroom is haunted. Lol, for those of you who have got your answers but never did the power you got, maybe that's the kind of power you're supposed to have but not in this life. IM FREAKING 12! And I'm not lying..

    • Im 10 and Im able to control time for real

      Eevee has
  • telekenisis then hydrokensis . do you know what people its called if you can know what someone will say and do before they do it ? i cannt remember what its called its a power i know that for sure ...

  • Gadgets, baby. Sounds about right, I am a technogeek (and an anime nerd and gamer, but that's not important now). My next three were Plasma Blasts, Time Control, and Electrokenesis. Awesome. Who wants fire control when you can use electricity and plasma to blow stuff up, then use your tech go back in time and do it again?

  • Invisibility, good quiz.

  • Awesome quiz man!!! I really wish I had the mentioned power i.e. Time control....then...

  • yay!! i have pyrokenisis i can control and create fire!!


  • Invisibility? Lame! I want Plasma Blasts! Or the uhh electric one! THEN we'll be workin with gas! (oh yah! I DID just say that!)


  • I got invisibility... I am surprised, because I spend 6 hours plus on the computer. Strange. But, awesome quiz!

    You have the ability to go invisible at will. You like to keep to yourself. The friends you have aren't exactly friends, more like "acquaintences." It may not be that you don't trust them, just that you don't want to get involved in their lives while there is so much going on in your own. Some days, you care about people, if there's an accident, you'll try to help. Other days, you might not feel like it, or even want to notice anything happened. Your greatest weakness is your lack of company. Sometimes, it's ok to have someone close-by. We all need friends to help us get through hard times.

  • awsum quiz.... b4 i used to always get time control... but now i get telekinesis i wish i was telekinetic lolz

  • Invisibility!!! Woohoo! *sigh* I wish I really DID have insisibilty...

  • that was really a cool quiz!

  • pyrokenesis!!!!! yes!!!! FIRE!!!!! then telekensis!!! yay mind powers!!!!!

  • the hydrokenesis result was actually very accurate, although i'm not sure how it relates to that power...?

  • cool quiz!


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