What Is Your Sexuality???

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What Is Your Sexuality???? Now time for random letters because I don't know what to put here!! hibgyagw7y47ry57yhuaheurhyr7aheuhruaehruheanruihyr3yr83y3uhru

Same for here lol--... eufhary7urhyuehffahbfhabefubfbehbfuejbfueihfueyr8454hrfuehwbejfbeuyfeunfeug7hirnanauuabaygriuebruiegruebfyefbayduenuegryeruwye83

Created by: Lyo0ffical
  1. Okay to start off not all sexualities are on here I just put the ones I can think of at the moment!!
  2. What is your gender
  3. What gender do you often find yourself to be around more
  4. Do you like more feminine or masculine features/looks???
  5. Have you ever thought of having sex with the opposite gender
  6. Have you ever thought of having sex with the same gender?
  7. What is your current sexuality?
  8. What do you think you will get
  9. Can you date multiple people at one time but still love all of them
  10. Bye(Might update later)

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Quiz topic: What Is my Sexuality???

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