What is your religion?

Hello, everyone! How are you today? I made this quiz because I am interested in religions. There are Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, and more.

Have you ever wondered which one YOU are? Please feel free to take this quiz to find out. Also don't forget to leave a comment by the end. Hope you enjoy

Created by: I Wish You The Best
  1. Who do you worship the most?
  2. What are your main beliefs?
  3. Where do you come from?
  4. What are your eating habits?
  5. What are your thoughts about your enemies?
  6. How often do you pray?
  7. What are your thoughts about killing lives?
  8. According to you, which is the way to go to heaven?
  9. How about going to hell?
  10. Finally, what do you think about this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What is my religion?
