What is your Punk Rock Name?

This is a punk rock name test (female). See what your punk rock name is! (Sorry for no male names, I still love you boys. Rock on!) THESE NAMES ARE NOT VERY PUNK ROCK I JUST LIKED MAKING THE QUIZ.

Are you punk rock? Do you want to create your own punk rock quiz? Get ideas here! (There is a one fifty character thing on here and I only have 141. I don't know wha tot say.)

Created by: Katelyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of music do you like?
  2. What clique do you hang with at school/work?
  3. Are you a 'rebel'?
  5. Do/have you dyed your hair?
  6. Do you want to/have you pierced your body?
  7. Do you swear often?
  8. Do you get obsessed with bands easily?
  9. I am running out of questions.
  10. The names aren't very punk rock don't hate me

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Quiz topic: What is my Punk Rock Name?