What is your Pet VS Wild type?

Find out what your PET VS WILD type is here! Pets: Comfortable and smug, they prefer cozy indoor settings.Wilds: Brave and strong, they thrive in the wilderness.Humans: Modern and adaptable, they navigate urban life.Slashers: Bloodthirsty and aggressive, they face danger head-on.Ferals: Versatile and unpredictable, they adapt to any situation.

Taking this personality quiz can be an intriguing and fun way to explore your inner nature. By answering the questions honestly, you’ll gain insights into which archetype resonates with your traits. Whether you’re a cozy pet, a brave wild, a modern human, an intense slasher, or a versatile feral, this quiz provides a unique perspective on your personality. Plus, it’s a delightful way to reflect on how you perceive yourself and your surroundings! 🐾🌿🏙🔪🦊

Created by: Mooncat1010
  1. Welcome, welcome! First, I just need you to choose a name that you'd like. This isn't really a required question, but it helps me understand what style of name fits your identity!
  2. Good choice! Now, how angry do you get when provoked?
  3. Alright, alright! Now, it's time for you to choose a meal. Choose wisely! (NOTE: This based on animalistic aspects.)
  4. It's getting cold outside. What would you wear/do?
  5. Which of these descriptions describes you BEST?
  6. How do you handle conflicts?
  7. Next, choose a moon phase!
  8. Choose a deadly sin.
  9. Good choices, amazing! It's not over yet, though! If you were faced with a battle, which song would be your anthem?
  10. What's your favorite method of dispatching enemies?

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Quiz topic: What is my Pet VS Wild type?
