What is your personality based on your zodiac sign

My quiz is about your personality type based upon your zodiac sign. My quiz only goes from Capricorn to Aries. im just going to keep typing hi until i get to 150.

hi cool rude flirty nvm kmdknvkldfmvl f j fnvkndsmv djkv k ,dnvjknkvlnsklvbjljlv;lsdnm /d.z .b f;bnflkbnflknvvkld a/mkabjdkffnklsmdklbvjndkfnkdsnvvfgf

Created by: Kassidy
  1. Are you straight or bi?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. How many brothers do you have?
  4. What is your eye color?
  5. What is your hair color?
  6. Gu
  7. hi
  8. black hair?
  9. Art or music
  10. math or english

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Quiz topic: What is my personality based on my zodiac sign

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