What is your needed undergarment?

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This quiz is to see what undergarment you need to wear. Do this quiz and wear what it says you need. But if you really want to know what to wear go to a doctor.

Have fun doing this and be sure to wear what this quiz says to because it might not be so pretty if you do not do so, I mean there will be lots of underwear in the trash.

Created by: diapers for all
  1. Have you ever peed yourself during the day on accident or on purpose
  2. Have you ever pooped yourself on purpose or on accident
  3. Have you ever wet the bed on accident or on purpose
  4. What do you wear during the day
  5. What do you wear at night
  6. What do you think you need to wear not want
  7. What do you want to wear
  8. If you need to pee please drink 2 glasses of water and don’t use the bathroom till you have gone pee in your pants/diaper?
  9. What diaper do you prefer?
  10. If you said yes to 1,2,3 then put something on that you do not care if it gets messy and go the bathroom in your pants. What does it feel like?
  11. Do you like diapers
  12. Have you ever worn a diaper?
  13. If you said yes to the last question did you like it?
  14. Did you like this quiz?
  15. Bye bye.

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Quiz topic: What is my needed undergarment?

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