What is your name and personality (For Girls)

This is a quiz that would show you your name and personality with it. Ha you just wasted 5 seconds reading this omg I wonder how many people will fall for that.

READ THIS IT IS NOT A JOKE. Don't take your score seriously it is just a quiz for entertainment. If you read this then thx. Th first Paragraph was real funny tho :)

Created by: swimming67only
  1. What would you consider yourself?
  2. What would you like your name to begin with?
  3. What do you enjoy?
  4. What is your fav number?
  5. Are you good at math?
  6. Are you still at school?
  7. Pick a meme...
  8. Pick a game...
  9. Do you have a scar or birthmark?
  10. Last question do you like this face -_-

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Quiz topic: What is my name and personality (For Girls)
