What Is Your Moral Alignment?

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Welcome to my own moral alignment quiz. I found out many quizzes on this topic, so I decided to make my own. Please beware that this test may be a little bit inaccurate and unreliable. This is only my second quiz in this site, so sorry if you don't like it,

There are nine moral alignments, all of whom can determine your personality: Lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil and chaotic evil. Have you ever wondered what alignment are you? Then take this quiz and find out. Enjoy!

Created by: Ralph276
  1. Which of these is the most ideal career?
  2. Let's say you have a goal.Do you restrict an innocent’s freedom to accomplish it?
  3. Pick a quote:
  4. You just gained an immense sum of money and you would like to donate it to poors. However let's say you live in a country where donating money to others is illegal.What do you do?
  5. Which of the following you dislike the most:
  6. You are a ruler. How do you treat your people?
  7. Your friend got accused for a theft you committed. What do you do?
  8. You witness someone trying to kill another. What do you do?
  9. Pick the adjectives that describe you the most.
  10. Do you lie?
  11. Do you accept the idea of someone harming a politician?
  12. You found a magical item. What do you use it for?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Moral Alignment?
