What is your mental age??

Everyone has an age. Everyone has a mental age. A mental age is the age of your mind or basicly how old you act. Your mental age can be the same or different from your real age.

You can find the mental age of yourself or a friend or family member in this quiz. BE HONEST!!!!!!!!!! It is important to be honest or you will not get a great and accurate answer.

Created by:
  1. What do you do when you need something?
  2. What are you thinking about
  3. What do you do when something bad happens???
  4. The quiz is over (no affect)
  5. Just kidding (also no affect)
  6. do you still like me??
  7. um............................................................
  8. Did you like my quiz
  9. how are you feeling this moment

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Quiz topic: What is my mental age??
