What is Your IQ?

Have you ever wondered what your IQ was, like me? Well, here is your chance to find out! There are easy and intermediate and hard questions about a range of things!

Are you smart or dumb? Do you get mostly As or all Fs! Do you have a single digit IQ, a double digit IQ, or even a TRIPLE digit IQ? The answers to these questions are here!

Created by: Spencer Lee Hemminger
  1. Easy: What is 10 x 10?
  2. Intermediate: What is 6 cubed?
  3. Easy: How many major Greek gods are there?
  4. Easy: What created the Universe?
  5. Intermediate: What is the most popular world religion?
  6. Hard: How many years do you need to go to college to get Bachelor's Degree?
  7. Intermediate: What was Hitler's first name?
  8. Intermediate: What does IQ stand for?
  9. Intermediate: How many years are in a millennium?
  10. Intermediate: What is older? Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper?
  11. Hard: What is the scientific name for "human"?

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Quiz topic: What is my IQ?