What is your Hogwarts punishment?

Hello naughty Hogwarts student! Maybe you're friends with the renowned Harry Potter, maybe you prefer studying with Hermione, or maybe you like chilling with Tom Riddle.

Anyway, you're bound to get into trouble at some point during your years here, and when you do, just toastie easy quiz to see what your consequence would be!

Created by: Jemma
  1. Whose class did you get in trouble in?
  2. What did you do?
  3. How were you found out?
  4. What year are you in?
  5. Do you think you were bad?
  6. Are you sorry?
  7. Have you done this before?
  8. Will you ever do this again?
  9. How would you react if you got the worst punishment?
  10. How was this quiz? (No effect on result)

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Quiz topic: What is my Hogwarts punishment?

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