What is your hogwarts house

This quiz is telling you that if you could ever go to hogwarts, this is what your hose should be. I love Harry Potter and have always wondered what house I am in. I took loads of tests and I am in Gryffindor! Good luck!

What house are YOU in? Is it Gryffindor? Or perhaps Huuflepuff? Could it be Ravenclaw? Maybe is Slytherin! You never know if you don't take the test!!

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see Draco Malfoy using the cruciatus curse on a boy. What do you do?
  2. Your walking down the road and there's three paths. Which do you choose to take?
  3. What's your favourite colours?
  4. Who would you rather have as a best friend?
  5. Who do you think are the best couple?
  6. What would you rather pick out of moon stars snake badger?
  7. What colour do you prefer?
  8. What would you like to be in a quidditch game?
  9. what is your favourite quote?
  10. Which symbol do you prefer the most?

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Quiz topic: What is my hogwarts house