What is your Hogwarts house?

So this is a Harry Potter quiz! Yes, I know about all the controversy over JK Rowling, but let’s forget about that for a second, because I was incredibly bored and wanted to make a quiz!

As you are all very aware of, there are four houses, Gryfindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Each house is incredible in its own way and should be treated as such, so be nice in the comments!

Created by: AlexFierrro
  1. What would be your blood status?
  2. What do you do in your free time at Hogwarts?
  3. What is your favorite class in Harry Potter?
  4. What is your favorite creature in Harry Potter?
  5. What is the better TV series?
  6. This is a deep question, but would you call yourself loyal?
  7. Do you trust people easily?
  8. Do you try hard in school?
  9. How successful do you think you’re going to be?
  10. What’s the best genre of music?
  11. That’s all I need, have fun at Hogwarts!

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Quiz topic: What is my Hogwarts house?
