What house are you in? (harry potter)

Which house are you in? Gryfindor? Hufflepuff? Slytherin? Ravenclaw? Or none of them? Well, if you take this quiz, you will find outttt!!! yayayayayayayay!

well, hopefully you are not a muggle because then I would never be your friend. I am in hufflepuff! Wow, good for me! I guess.....:)hope you get the result you want!

Created by: laur8lemon
  1. Which best describes you?
  2. If you had a pet, what would it be?
  3. If there were five goblets in front of you, which one would you drink?
  4. What is your mom's last name?
  5. Which is your favorite drink?
  6. what are your favorite classes?
  7. Which common room do you prefer?
  8. Who are your friends?
  9. Which house do you think you'll be in?
  10. What blood are you?
  11. What is the answer to this question: Which came first, the pheonix or the flame?
  12. Which is the scariest nightmare to you?
  13. LAST BUT NOT LEAST..which house do you WANT to be in.
  14. BONUS QUESTION! what are muggles?

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Quiz topic: What house am I in? (harry potter)
