What is your golf handicap?

A lot of people try swinging a golf club and think they are close to the quality of a pro. This is a test for all wannabe Tigers, Poulters and Bubbas.

Do you know you irons from your woods? Do you send a divot further than a ball? Do you think you could make it on the PGA Tour or should you be banned from ever holding a golf club?

Created by: Simon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is an Eagle?
  2. How long are your drives?
  3. What is a tee box?
  4. How often are you "Green in regulation"?
  5. How many putts, on average, do you take on each hole?
  6. When confronted by a water hazard, do you...?
  7. What ball do you play with?
  8. Where are most of the ball marks on your driver?
  9. You hit a sand wedge at the green from 75 yards, does your ball...?
  10. What shape is your usual shot?
  11. At a 180 yard par 3 hole, do you...?
  12. How often, on average, do you have to shout "FORE!" in a round?

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Quiz topic: What is my golf handicap?