what is your fantasy element?

there are many elements in this world, but have you figured out what your TRUE fantasy element is? if not, take this test, this test takes honesty only!

what element are YOU? Take this test to find out! many elements and advanced questions await you! don't wait, figure out now! this test only takes true bravery!

Created by: jessica
  1. what time of day do you most prefer?
  2. favorite color?
  3. favorite animal?
  4. how do your friends think of you? (if your doing this test with a friend, ask them to answer this question for you)
  5. 0_0
  6. a person is crying on the sidewalk, you
  7. you are insulted by a heartless person, you
  8. pick an element
  9. someone invites you to the movies, but you have a marathon of your favorite show that only appears on television once every year, what do you do?
  10. you have to finish homework, but you also have a party planned, which do you do?

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Quiz topic: What is my fantasy element?