What is WARRIOR cat are you?

Do you know of warriors? Have you ever doubted who you would be if you ARE a warrior? Time to find out! Answer question, find your faverout types of cats!

So, you're ready to test what cat you will become? Be warned, there are only for cats and some are evil and some are good! If I was you, I would try the answers that I know but not make any up just yet!

Created by: Dovewing
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were a cat, what type of fur would you have?
  2. What is your favourite skill?
  3. What length of fur would you like if you were a cat?
  4. What is your ideal home?
  5. What colour would your eyes be if you were a cat?
  6. What clan do you want to be in?
  7. If you could be a tom or she-cat, which would you choose?
  8. If you wanted to have kits, what mate would you choose?
  9. If you could murder anycat, what cat would you murder?
  10. Would you prefer to sacrifice yourself to save someone else?

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Quiz topic: What is WARRIOR cat am I?