what is a better pet for you a dog or cat?

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My quiz is to try and help you find out what pet would be a better pet for you. Do you like cats or dogs better it doesn't matter it is just to see what one would be a better choice for you.

There are a few of do you like or would u rather a dog or a cat questions on there. Also if you like cats better then dogs you want the lower %. But if you like dogs better then you want the higher %.

Created by: jaylynn haskins
  1. Are dogs smarter then cats
  2. are dogs more fun then cats?
  3. are dogs easier to take care of than cats?
  4. are you allergic to dogs?
  5. are you allergic to cats
  6. are cats smarter than dogs?
  7. are cats more fun then dogs?
  8. are cats easier to take care of than dogs?
  9. are dogs cuter then cats?
  10. are cats cuter then dogs?
  11. do you think a dog would be the right choice for you?
  12. do you think a cat would be the best choice for you?

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