What Incubus member are you?

Incubus is a world famous band and happen to be my favorite among many. they are very unique and have their own sense of individuality. Their music is known by many, but sadly enough in almost never played on the radio. They may be the best band of my generation, and hopefully our children's also.

In this quiz, you will be tested to see which incubus member you are most relative to. There is Brandon Boyd, Mike einziger, Ben kenney, Dirk Lance, DJ Chris Kilmore, and Jose Pasillas. they are all extremely talented and beautiful.

Created by: Mike

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. On the incubus episode of M.T.V cribs, who has the master bedroom?
  2. also on mtv cribs, Who did jose have in his room?
  3. How many albums was Dirk on? (not counting enjoy incubus)
  4. Howabout ben kenney?
  5. Incubus once played an ulreleased song live. it was entitle " Red Kipper ______
  6. In what year was " A Crow left of the murder" released?
  7. Who came first ben of dirk
  8. What official incubus album out of the 6 was the track " monuments and melodies" on?
  9. Final Question... fill in the blank. "what if i was just dreaming, what if i lived in a ______"
  10. BONUS! In M.T.V unplugged, which member of incubus has a "vocal debut" during a break in the song Anti-Gravity?
  11. BONUS! In M.T.V unplugged, which member of incubus has a "vocal debut" during a break in the song Anti-Gravity?

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Quiz topic: What Incubus member am I?