What Inception character are you?

Inception!!! In my opinion the best movie in the entire world! If you a true Inception fan and desire one of the charaters in the movie, you should take this quiz :)

Do you love Inception? Well if you do then please take this quiz and see which character you are most like. This is my first time ever making a quiz so please be lenient and kind. I hope you like the quiz!! Thanks! :)

Created by: Nikki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What best describes you in a serious situation?
  2. You've been told that you would be stuck in limbo forever, what do you do?
  3. What would be you title?
  4. What job would you want to have during a mission?
  5. You need to wake up one of your teamates from a dream. How do you wake them?
  6. Who is your favorite character in the movie?
  7. Is inception real?
  8. An enemy approaches you and attemps to fight you in a dream. What do you do?
  9. A dream is like...
  10. Ok i have no ideas left for another question. So for girls, who is the cutest? And for guys, just skip the question if you want.

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Quiz topic: What Inception character am I?