What Icarly character are you?

There are many people who think they're more like carly, sam, Freddie, Spencer and Gibby.

Are you who you think you are or just a bozo you brags even though you not really them. Take this quiz and in a few minutes (Not Even) You'll find out.

Created by: IcarlyFan246
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Personality Fits You Best?
  2. What nickname fits you best?
  3. How are you feeling right now?
  4. Have you snuck out once?
  5. Would you rather?
  6. Would you date someone called...?
  7. Are you interested in..... ?
  8. What position fits you best?
  9. Is your parent/Legal Guardian....?
  10. Who do you THINK you're going to end up being?

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Quiz topic: What Icarly character am I?