What hybrid are you from wings of fire?

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It might be hard to answer some of these questions if you have not read the book series wings of fire. But you still might be able to answer some of the questions, even if you haven’t read the book series wings of fire.

This quiz will determine if you would be a hybrid if you were a dragon. But some of the questions include characters that are in the series wings of fire. if you come across a question like that, and you have not read the wings of fire series, you can answer any way you want.

Created by: Salmon the seawing
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What power would you like to have other than animus magic?
  3. What do you like doing in your free time?
  4. Who is your favorite hybrid from wings of fire?
  5. What result do you hope to get?
  6. Do you like wings of fire?
  7. Do you like nightwings?
  8. Is Sunny a nightwing-sandwing hybrid
  9. Did you think that was the last question?
  10. If you answered yes then you are correct.

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Quiz topic: What hybrid am I from wings of fire?
