What Hunger Games charter are you? I hope you enjoy!

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are you, are you, coming to the tree? strong as a man, they say the hurder 3, strange things are happing and stranger they can be. are you, are you coming to the tree?

if you like hunger games as much as I do than I suggest listening to a song called 'the hanging tree' Katniss aka Jenifer Lawrence sings it! thank you so much for ur time :)

Created by: Aubrey
  1. Are you brave?
  2. Would u die for someone?
  3. Weapon of choice?
  4. Male or female?
  5. Are loud a loud or quiet person?
  6. Do you have siblings?
  7. Do you have pets?
  8. Are you crushing?
  9. People or animal person?
  10. Last question! Would you kill someone if they were trying to kill you?

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Quiz topic: What Hunger Games charter am I? I hope you enjoy!
