What how to train your Dragon dragon are you?

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This is by ice berger2.0 =-O :-P ;-) :-( :-) :-! :-$ B-) :O :-D :'( :-\ O:-) :-[ ♊🔱♎🚻🚮♐♑🚰🚗🚠🚋🚏🚃⚓🏫🏰🏬🏯🏭🏬🏯🎑🌄🌗🌘🌄🎑🌚🎑☔🌁🌿🌼🌽🍌🍠🍏🍌🍞🍛🍋🍐🍌🍪🍦🍝🍧🍟🐛🐪🐳🐊🐪🐋

Created by: Ice berger 2.0
  1. What's your favorite colour?
  2. Pick the meal
  3. Are you scared of hights?
  4. Pick a power type
  5. Pick a movie
  6. Pick the right sum
  7. Your breakfast is
  8. Pick a flame blast
  9. Do what I say
  10. Am I real?

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Quiz topic: What how to train my Dragon dragon am I?
