What holiday represence you?

In the quiz you will find out which holiday are you! You will get a holiday or a surprise one which one will you get? Everyone is different so don't worry if you got a different one

Your friends might get the same one as you because you are so alike like if you went for the exact same one as the one your friend chose you would probably get one similar.

Created by: Rachel
  1. What is your favourite couler
  2. Are you a Male or a female
  3. Are you a Male or a female
  4. Which season do you like most?
  5. What is your favourite food
  6. Do you like day or night
  7. Do you like the future,the past or the present
  8. What would you do if you heard you favourite holiday was cancelled?
  9. What question would you add to this quiz
  10. Do you like the quiz?

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