What Holiday Are You Most Like?

Holidays are great for most. Take the quiz to see which holiday you are most like. After you think about it you may agree. Please let me know how you liked the quiz.

There are twelve questions here for you to answer about yourself. Based on that you will get matched to a holiday. Maybe Thanksgiving, or Halloween, or who knows?!

Created by: 3866nowlin
  1. Your favorite season is?
  2. Your favorite sport?
  3. What is your ideal date?
  4. Which are you favorite colors.
  5. Which is your favorite dessert?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. What material is your favorite?
  8. Which do you like the best?
  9. What is your favorite beverage?
  10. Which instrument do you like best?
  11. How many close friends do you have?
  12. How many boy friends/girl friends have you had?

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Quiz topic: What Holiday am I Most Like?