What Hogwarts house is your ideal significant other in?

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Everyone takes the sorting hat quiz to find out what their own Hogwarts house is, but now you can find out what house your ideal significant other is in!

This quiz takes into account your preferences and imagination during hypothetical situations to calculate the result. Be sure to take the results with a grain of salt. Good luck!

Created by: Joy
  1. The two of you are on a coffee date, in the process of ordering your drinks. Suddenly at the table next to yours, some lady starts yelling at and insulting the barista for supposedly not getting her order right, and loudly demands her money back. Your partner...
  2. On the way out of the cafe, the door jams for some reason. Your partner...
  3. At the train station, you realize that you forgot your wallet somewhere and can’t get a ticket home. They...
  4. Arriving at your apartment, your partner says they still have some errands to run. Before turning to leave, they...
  5. After finishing their errands, your partner asks you out to dinner. They’re suggesting going to...
  6. You meet them just outside your apartment to get to dinner together, and they’re wearing what they usually wear. That is,
  7. Dinner was delicious, and now the two of you are free for a few hours. Your partner suggests...
  8. As you lay falling asleep in bed after an eventful day, you consider your partner’s fatal flaw in your mind. It would be great if they could slightly tone down...
  9. Yet you realize too that they also have traits that seriously stand out and are what you love them for. Namely, their
  10. Finally, what Hogwarts house are YOU in?

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts house is my ideal significant other in?

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