What Greek god parent are you most like out of the night 3?

Hi, this is my first quiz like EVER. I’m kinda good at Greek mythology but all these questions are like purely out of bordom soo it might get a bit goofy

Please comment and rate this quiz because I want feed back and I need ideas on my next quiz, hope you all enjoy this quiz and if you didn’t know the 3 big gods are Zeus Posiden and Hades

Created by: Dance4life
  1. Do you have a nard time proving yourself?
  2. Are you shy?
  3. Do you try to prove yourself?
  4. Why are you taking this quiz?
  5. How was my first quiz?
  6. Is this long enough?
  7. Ok I’m done happy now?
  8. I need 10 questions
  9. Ugg 2 more
  10. Last one I promis

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Quiz topic: What Greek god parent am I most like out of the night 3?

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