What god of Egypt are you?

What Egyptian god are you? Take the Quiz to discover this. Tired of boring, long quizzes? Well, this is a very short, 12 question quiz, cause come on, I was Lazy!

So get on with it already! Stop looking at this. By the power of Ra, I command you to take this quiz. Go on. Do it. Hurry Up Now!

Created by: The Eye of Ra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick an animal:
  2. Pick a color:
  3. Pick a fear:
  4. Pick a Name:
  5. Pick a death:
  6. Pick a Super Power:
  7. Pick a Disability:
  8. Pick a Flu Symptom to have forever! Hahaha
  9. Pick a Description that fits you:
  10. Pick A random phrase you like the best :)

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Quiz topic: What god of Egypt am I?