What glitter force hero are you

This is a quiz on a tv show I really like. If you’ve seen it please agree with me on this...... the best ship is ira and Rachael .and I’m talking about glitter force doki doki

Question, doesn’t the pandemic suck? Yes, yes it dose. You should have something to take your mind off of it. So take this quiz! (Made by an 11 year old for other anime lovers.

Created by: Candece Tietema
  1. What’s your favorite color of these options(doesn’t matter if it’s actually your favorite)
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What clothing choice would you wear?
  4. What is your favorite of the two
  5. Did you like anime?(has no effect on aweser)
  6. This is just because I’m wondering what’s your fav animal?
  7. Who’s your fav character of these
  8. Would you share your food with friends
  9. Do you wear glasses?
  10. What is your crush like

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Quiz topic: What glitter force hero am I
