What game fits you?

People often wonder what type of game they should get. Several land on a violent game of a sort. A problem that people face is deciding on which one to buy; for there are several sub-groups of violent games.

Here; you can find out which of three violent games that are played and experienced in different ways you should buy. The questions and answers are based off my personal experience in games and how they are set up to be played by people.

Created by: Bduff
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy multiplayer?
  2. Do you like a good campaign mode?
  3. What about a co-op mode?
  4. What's your playing style?
  5. Zombies?
  6. How do you feel about a game company's support of the gaming community?
  7. What is your weapon of choice?
  8. Favorite Historical Era?
  9. How important are a game's graphics to you?
  10. What type of character would you like to play as?

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