What Fruit Are You?

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"There are many fruits in the world, which one are you, remember the results are random, they have nothing to do with the answers you have chosen, it's a really fun quiz"

"So Take the quiz now, and expect to be surprised, you never no what crazy fruit you could be, it could be any fruit, have fun taking this quiz, play again and again"

Created by: tuna24
  1. What music would you like to listen to the most?
  2. Which snack would you want?
  3. Which bird do you like most?
  4. Which song do you like most?
  5. What sport do you like most?
  6. What would you rather do with your friends?
  7. What Breakfast would you rather have listed here?
  8. What Lunch would you rather have listed here?
  9. What pet would you like most listed here?
  10. What supper would you rather have most listed here?

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Quiz topic: What Fruit am I?