What fizzy drink are you?

I hate filling out this bit... Init! Why do we have to do this? When i want to fill it out i would but i don't want to do this. Who reads this? Just get on with this quiz...

Wow, wow. Amazing, Genuine genius, a friend like you is so hard to find. Sarah, Samatha, Jessica, Jenae (What the? Jenae? Who's Jenae?) I'm famous. Bye. I'm gone.

Created by: Imaginary_Friend

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like fizzy drink?
  2. Coke or Lucozade?
  3. Coke, Lucozade, Pepsi, Fanta or Sprite?
  4. What's your favourite colour?
  5. And... I've ran out of questions...
  6. So, How's life?
  7. If you've taken my other quizzes, "Deadly Hide & Seek" and "Are you being stalked?" You'll notice i mention the word 'Woman' a lot. My fave word!
  9. Okay, that's getting boring init?
  10. Bye honey! THINK FAST. *THROWS RUGBY BALL AT YOU* (Known as Football, If american)

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Quiz topic: What fizzy drink am I?