What firearm are you

You are great no matter what firearem you are. Mostly all of them are great any way but it is best weapons and worst weapons in history that we put on here.Thanks for taking our quiz!

What kind of firearm are you. well if you are reading this then you must know. It takes alot of witts to know alot about weapons of World War Two and the wars we are fighting now, so great job of what every you got. Congrates to you!

Created by: RT
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many rounds are in a m-16
  2. What gun is a smg
  3. which weapon(s) were used in World War Two
  4. What does lmg stand for
  5. which one is a sniper
  6. which one is a pistol
  7. what gun do the russians use alot
  8. which one of the firearms can be attached with the M203
  9. yes or no
  10. who would you rather be

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Quiz topic: What firearm am I