What ESKO team is best for you?

ESKO is possible the most awesome way to go to school in the world, the IMC being the best college in the syndicate, and Arranchar Campus being just...

Awesome. You don't know until you've been there, but this quiz will tell you what sort of person you are, and maybe even what course to do from the twenty two available.

Created by: KEVR
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a Sunday morning. What time do you wake up?
  2. What do you do on Friday nights?
  3. What's your favourite canteen lunch?
  4. Do you like PT?
  5. What's your favourite ESKO activity?
  6. Who's your platoon leader?
  7. Your favourite film?
  8. Where do you want to go after college?
  9. Have you ever failed a standardized PT test?
  10. Your favourite place at college?

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