What Element You Control???

Have you ever heard a guy said YOU ARE ALL PWNED I HAVE SUPER FIRE POWERS HA HA HA well kick his butt with your own element in this quiz belive me you will pwned him now time for spam help life doom jik forest time god real

Are YOU a element master? then try this quiz!!!!!!HaHaHa Spam well now im gonna right random things like peanut open life master chicken hoop forest joke sell red team kok guts

Created by: Kiki
  1. its the anual carnival what you wanna do???
  2. Test Time!!!
  3. Kung Fu fighting Time
  4. ins the anual race!!!
  5. what you do on the net
  6. what food would you eat(warning can make you hungry)
  7. what type of gun!!!
  8. what video game!!!
  9. favorite objet
  10. Animal

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