What element are you?

No, this has absolutley nothing to do with the movie or television show, Avatar, The Last Airbender.This is just a quiz we felt like creating. DON'T JUDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and peace or hate and war? Calm and cool or dramatic and crazy? You decide! Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Which are you?

Created by: K n C
  1. If someone insults you, you are likely to...
  2. Choose one
  3. When are you most active?
  4. What is you're favrite color?
  5. There is a war going on, and even though you hate the opposition, you've got family and friends fighting on the other side. What would you do?
  6. Which is worst?
  7. Do you like this quiz (and yes, this does affect your element)?
  8. There is a war going on. You hate the opposition. Your family is fighting on your side. What would you do?
  9. Do you fight often?
  10. Your best friend is about to die in the hands of an enemy, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What element am I?