What Egyptian God or Godess are You. :D

I hope you like my Quiz please enjoy hweu3hirthiu3hwrytc3ytcfiuhfsuherfsiuh4ueihieuhuiehui4hvuhuihr3uwht3iuehtu3ehut3hu3uthuih3uih3urh3uri2urh3iuhfi3hrh3h

Before you take the quiz be sure to read al of the Kane books or else you wont understand anything. Enjoy!uhyuwgyu3ruy34guf3gyuug4y4ryrehrwsrfhwjrfkshrhfwrjkwh TO LET YOU KNOW THE QUIZ MADE ME WRITE THESE LETERS AND ALL THE Z QUESTIONS.

Created by: Redford Bates
  1. What gender are you.
  2. What is your favorite color.
  3. What is your favorite animal.
  4. Where do you want to live.
  5. Do you like Sadie And carter Kane.
  6. Do you know who Sadie and Carter Kane are.
  7. z
  8. zz
  9. z
  10. z

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Quiz topic: What Egyptian God or Godess am I. :D

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