What Dragon Star Character are you? 3

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Ever wonder what Dragon Star Character YOU are? well find out here at the DRAGON STAR CHARACTER QUIZ 3! you could be Eragon, Shadow, Night -.-, Rockhand and MORE!

In just a few mibutes you could find out what Dragon Star character YOU are! What is Dragon star you say? To find out you can email [no emails] for anything you need to know!T

Created by: Jasmine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you care if you made a lemonade spill?
  2. If someone was harming 10,000 dragons everyday, what would you do?
  3. Do you know what dragon star is? dose not effect results.
  4. Do you like cheesecake?
  5. Fav color?
  6. You your dragon and anyone else are walking in temprate forest. you see a dragon flash through the sky. what do you do?
  7. Your flying with your dragon, you come across a death dragon. what do you do?
  8. Your in a battle with your enimy. your enimy has one more dragon than you, what do you do?
  9. Your dragon was killed in the battle! You...
  10. Whats your fav character? dose not affect results

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Quiz topic: What Dragon Star Character am I? 3