What dog are you?

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Do you wonder what dog you are? Well my quiz will tell you! Plus we have some fun ways to answer the questions. After completing this quiz, you will know what dog you truly are.

I made this quiz for the entertainment for all! I hope you will enjoy this quiz (well, you could call it a survey). Remember, if nothing describes you, just pick a random answer :)

Created by: Sean Miller
  1. Do you like food?
  2. Would you rather be tall or short?
  3. What's your color?
  4. What animal do you like?
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. Would you take a bullet for your friends?
  7. Because i need 12, will you make a quiz?
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  9. Do you like Disney?
  10. Which is your favorite instrument?

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Quiz topic: What dog am I?