what does shaggy think of u

have you ever wondered what shaggy thinks of u? Well u can find out today by playing this quiz! this only takes 2 seconds out of ur day to take plEASE

does shaggy like u? hate u? love u? respect u? lets find out if the most powerful being in the universe likes or hates u! make sure to eat ur leaves kids!

Created by: mia
  1. Are u dummy thicc? do ur ass cheeks clap and alert the enemies??
  2. is thanos hot?
  3. are u vegan?
  4. are u a ratty gal
  5. favourite dr chara?
  6. would u clap lord farquaads ass cheeks?
  7. cats or dogs?
  8. fav bnha chara?
  9. have u watched scooby doo?
  10. is shaggy hot?

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