What do you wanna name your kids.

This quiz is about if you want kids or not. And if you want a dad with it. All you ever need to think about a child there's so much you can learn about babies.

If you wanna know what kind of baby to get your in the right place. By that I mean how many gender name what looks like. This is so you know when your old enough and want children.

Created by: Emily

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color hair do you want your kid to have?
  2. What color eyes do you want your baby to have?
  3. What color do you wanna to dye your babies hair?
  4. What name do you hope to get?
  5. What name do you want your baby to have?
  6. Wanna color your babies hair or put highlights?
  7. What gender do you hope to get?
  8. Do you want your baby to have any facial hair?
  9. Out of these what's your favorite name?
  10. Do you want your baby to have a dad?

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Quiz topic: What do I wanna name my kids.