What do you know about vampires?

Hi, this is my first quiz. I a not just 'another one of those Twilight fans'. In fact, I really don't like that series to be honest, since I felt that the whole thing was way too highly exaggerated.

I am an actual legit researcher of vampirism and vampires (but that does not mean I am one). The purpose of this quiz is to test one's knowledge of vampires.

Created by: kindbloodedLily
  1. what happens to vampires in the sunlight?
  2. all vampires drink blood
  3. what kind of vampires are there?
  4. what is a sang vampire?
  5. what is a psi vampire?
  6. what is a hybrid vampire?
  7. do vampires sleep?
  8. what is the vHERV?
  9. are vampires immortal?
  10. are vampires allergic to garlic?
  11. vampires are undead
  12. is there a war between vampires and werewolves?
  13. most vamps have a pale complexion
  14. was Dracula a real vampire?
  15. vampires can turn into bats
  16. vampires have better senses than most people
  17. where do vampires prefer to bite/cut their victims?
  18. can vampires see in the dark?
  19. vampires have to drain the entire body of blood when feeding
  20. you can turn into a vampire if you are bitten by one
  21. do vampires have fangs?
  22. vampires hate humans
  23. what is an 'awakening'?
  24. can VAMPIRES have children (not the same situation as twilight had)
  25. can you kill a vampire?
  26. do teenage and young children vamps exist?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about vampires?