What do people think of you?

There are many different types of people, but few understnad who they are.Yet despite that many people search for the answer... but guess what?.. the searching stops here... find out what people really think of you.

So who are you? ... are you creative? ... or are you a raging psychopath... find out here and that question will be fufilled in just a few minutes. Honestly, this quiz is amazing so if you don't take it than i don't know wuts wrong with u ... haha jk... or am i?...

Created by: maureen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Say you are in highschool. You have a chance for an elective. You take...
  2. It's the weekend ...whoo! Wut do u do(or at least want to do)?...
  3. You decide to hang out with you're friends... wut are they like?
  4. You're favorite color is...
  5. most likely when you grow up you want to be...
  6. Imagine you are an outsider looking inside you're room. Most likely you would see...
  7. Your favorite store to shop in is...
  8. You're dream vacation is...
  9. You're dream car is...
  10. Your ideal date is...

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