What Do I (Whisper) Think of You?

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Me: I hope you like this quiz, today, we will see what I think of you and what would be your role in my world. Make sure to be honest for the best result.

Me: I hope you like this quiz, make sure to rate and comment on what you got and we can be great friends. Tangle: Oh, and hi everybody! Hope your doing well! Me: Yeah, everyone, stay well!

Created by: Whisper_Wolf_16
  1. Me: Hello, my name is Whisper the Wolf, I'm happy to meet you.
  2. Me: Who are you in the Sonic Universe?
  3. Me: What do you think of Eggman?
  4. Robot: *Smashes Wall* Me: Speaking of Eggman, here's one of his robots!
  5. Me: Me and my friends are going to take down these robots! What will you do?
  6. *Once the Robot is takin' down* Me: (Y/N), did you do it?
  7. Me: Ok, sorry about that battle. Who would you want as your best friend?
  8. Me: Imagine, Eggman's robot is going crazy, the ONLY way to power it down is to press this button on the back of the robot, the robot is big and is scary, would you still take the chance of powering it off to save the day?
  9. Me: What are you MORE like?
  10. Me: Where in my universe would you spend most of your time?
  11. Me: Rate and Comment, I hope you enjoyed, ready for the result (NO EFFECT)

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