What dnd class should you be?

This quiz is for anyone who wants to know what DND class they should be part of, or whose having trouble deciding what class their character should be!

I accidentally left off Druid and Wizard, so if you're hoping for one of those results, this isn't the quiz for you. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did.

Created by: Ari
  1. Are your adventures religiously motivated? Is your cause related to a god?
  2. Do you excel more with strength or with wit?
  3. Is your main fighting method physical or magical?
  4. What's your relationship with nature?
  5. How did you get your magic?
  6. Which of these is most important to you?
  7. Music making or story telling?
  8. Loner?
  9. Fighting?
  10. How do you fight?

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Quiz topic: What dnd class should I be?
