What creepypasta likes you? | Comments

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  • What creepypasta likes you?
    Your Result: Slenderman 86%

    Congrates! Slenderman is the one! You two met when you were walking home late from a friends house and you walked through the woods that lead to your house. You ended taking the wrong path and got lost. You looked around and stared at the pale white face infront of you. Intriged, you look boldly at the eyeless man's face. He then took your hand and lead you to your house and walked back into the woods. Ever since then you met him in the woods at night and walked with him. Congrates

    ... thanks

  • Slenderman,I do like his mysterious personality and I myself am a loner and quite the adventurous mystery too. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Some how I got Slenderman, and I am kind of surprised. But more so kind of knew. I took a test that said something similar. Like maybe: "You got Slenderman! He likes how you are polite and well mannered. etc. etc." (NOT WHAT IT ACTUALLY SAID) You get the point.... everything checks out to me.

    /\ /\
    ('.' )

    Yabba Dabba Doo

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